Hiiiiiiiii friends!!! I know I’ve been gone for a couple of months, but I promise I have a good reason!! We’ll get to that in a few minutes. I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and that 2016 is going well for you.
J and I took a little ski trip to Colorado the week after Christmas and over New Year’s, which was a nice way to ring in the new year. Of course, I found out quickly that skiing is not my thang, and I still hate the cold. You know, dashing J’s dreams once again about moving to Colorado some day. Sorry dear, love you to pieces, but I’d die there. I’d freeze to death and leave you a widower. Or be really, really cranky for all of the winter months. Now, I don’t mind vacationing there. In fact, I’d love to go back in the summer for some hiking, white water rafting, etc. But winter? Or living there year-round? Newp. I’ll take my 100 degree Texas weather over -11 any ol’ day. I don’t know how you northerners do it, you’re a tough group for sure!
J loves to ski. Like, maybe loves it more than hunting and fishing, and he really loves those things. He may even love it more than working out and that is saying something, y’all. We booked the trip pretty last minute, as about a week before Christmas – December 19th to be exact – we got some news. Some news that meant things were going to change for us in a big way, and J wanted to get in one last ski trip before it wasn’t an option for awhile. You see, my friends, J and I found out, at 7 am that December morning, that we will soon be welcoming a new addition to our family. That’s right, we’re going to have a BABY!!!
And since we’re going to have a baby, you can understand my absence. Pregnancy has a funny way of interfering with that whole eating business that we’re so accustomed to. Now, I’ve been very fortunate that I’ve had a relatively easy first trimester. I haven’t been sick or fatigued or any of that fun stuff, but food hasn’t exactly been my friend. As in, nothing really sounds or tastes good so my cooking has been…a lot of repeats. I pull old menus and pick things from those. And if there’s no new food, there’s no new posts. Ya feel me? And I’m sorry for that. I’m hoping that as I’ve entered the second trimester (I’m currently 13 1/2 weeks), that food and I will start getting along a little better. Well food that doesn’t include drive-thru burgers, pizza, and chocolate, anyway. That’s all this little one seems to think tastes good anymore. I don’t indulge too much, usually, but it’s nice to eat something that you actually enjoy eating versus just getting the food down because you know you have to nourish the growing life inside you. Sigh.
I’ve waited until now to post because the theme for this month’s What’s Baking challenge, hosted by Kate of Kate’s Recipe Box is baked donuts, and I thought that would be such a perfect way to tell you all about this baby!! I mean…donuts = babies, right?? Haha. That wasn’t quite my line of thinking. It was more that, we had genetic testing done to check for chromosomal abnormalities and such, since I am 35 and that testing would also tell us the gender. And what better way to come back to you all than with a pregnancy announcement and gender reveal, all wrapped into one glorious donut post??? I’m so clever, aren’t I? Ha.
It took a couple of weeks for the results to come back, but we got the call on Tuesday. All tests came back normal, no abnormalities and I tested negative as a carrier for about 20 different things as well. Thank the good Lord for that. And of course they asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. Um…YES!! Yes, we do. Because you guys, I have about zero patience and knowing that we had the option to find out before the 20 week anatomy scan meant that the 2 weeks we waited for the test results was toooorture!! But without further ado, my friends…we found out that we’re having…
And a baby girl, means you all get pink glazed donuts!!

- ½ cup sour cream
- 1 large egg
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- ¼ cup oil (I used olive oil)
- ½ cup sugar
- 1 cup flour (I used white whole wheat)
- ½ tsp baking soda
- ¼ tsp salt
- 1¼ cups powdered sugar
- 4 Tbsp
- 2-3 drops of food coloring (optional)
- ¼ tsp vanilla extract (optional)
- Preheat oven to 350. Grease donut pan with oil or cooking spray and place on a baking sheet for easy maneuvering in and out of the oven.
- In the bowl of a stand mixer using the paddle attachment, or a large bowl if using a hand mixer or whisk, mix together the sour cream, egg, vanilla, oil, & sugar.
- Add in the flour, baking soda, and salt and mix until well combined.
- Use a small cookie scoop or spoon to fill each donut cavity about 1/2 – 3/4 of the way full. The donuts will rise a good bit so if you fill to the top, the hole part may be filled in when it bakes.
- Place in the oven and bake for 12-16 minutes or until the top is springy to the touch & the sides are turning golden brown. Remove from oven & let cool in pan for 5-10 minutes then transfer to cooling rack.
- While the donuts are cooling, prepare the glaze. Combine powdered sugar & milk together in a medium bowl. You can add extra powdered sugar or milk if necessary to get the consistency you want. The glaze should be somewhat thin so that it just coats and sticks to the donuts. Stir in food coloring and/or vanilla extract, if desired.
- Place a piece of wax paper under your cooling rack so the excess glaze can drip onto that instead of your counters. Dip the donuts into the glaze, either one side of both depending on your preference, then place on the cooling rack so the glaze can dry and “harden” up. Then all that’s left to do is devour them!!
Yay for babies!!! Congrats on your little girl. 🙂