I can’t believe that we’ve been married for almost a month already! It seems like just last weekend was the wedding. Of course, being gone on our honeymoon for 10 days means we’ve really only been back to reality for a couple of weeks…so I guess that has some impact on how long it feels like it’s been. Well, that and the blissful happiness that I still feel. I know, mush mush mush. But honestly…I’m so very blessed. And as promised, a little re-cap of the wedding day! Fair warning, this will be a long post!
Fast forward to wedding day morning. J and I head to the venue at 9:30am to unlock it for our DJ and the chair delivery. He goes to the cooler to get a water and notices that water is leaking from the plug, so he drags it out onto the balcony. I, being the helpful wifey-to-be, am holding the door open for him and then I step over so I can push it farther open. Right into the puddle of water. In flip flops. Before I know it, I hit the ground. Hard. Butt, elbows, head…concrete. OUCH. J has no clue, it happened so fast, and he turns around to find me picking myself up off the ground. Of course he rushes to help me, to see if I’m ok, and what the hell happened?? I’m more concerned about whether or not I busted my elbows or have blood or scratches that will show during the wedding. Fortunately only a very small little red mark on one elbow.
No time to dwell on that though, I have to get him back to the hotel and then head to my hair and makeup appointment. As I’m dropping him off and I’m about to tell him that I’ll see him at the wedding, I remember that I forgot to hide the card I got for him to find after I was gone. So I tell him I forgot something and I go up to the room with him. I slip the card into the pocket of his slacks, show him where all my stuff is that my mom is going to put in the room I’ll be getting ready in, and I head off. As I’m driving I realize that I left my tiara. I had my hand on the box for it as I was showing him what my mom would need to move over for me. Cue the bridal breakdown in my car. I’m talking bawling, y’all. I text J to tell him I forgot it, and then in a series of texts and calls from him and my mom, they decided that they will bring it to me. 45 minutes away. I’m bawling and protesting, to no avail. Oh, did I mentioned that J and my stepdad were already on flower pick-up duty?? So, I feel horrible that now they have to bring me my tiara as well. And they’re worried about me hitting my head during the fall on top of all this. Bestie calls during this time too, and manages to calm me down. Thank goodness I hadn’t had my makeup done yet!!
Thankfully, these were the only “mishaps” of the day, that I’m aware of, anyway! Well, a couple of the groomsmen were late getting there, but they were in time for the ceremony so that’s all that counts.
Hair and makeup go well, and the girls head back to the hotel to get ready. My dad texts during this time that he will not be able to make it to the wedding. I had planned to walk myself down the aisle, so no major monkey wrenches, but sad to not have my dad there, of course. Photographer comes, gets all the pre-pics done, Bestie is running around with rings, helping with boutonnieres, etc. Basically it’s sort of chaotic, but I think that’s to be expected. The nerves start to set in and I decided that walking by myself down the aisle is probably not my best bet, so I have my mom send my Stepdad up to my room, and I ask him if he will walk me. It seemed appropriate considering the circumstances and who he has been to me since I was 8 years old. It was fitting for the day and he was so proud to do it.
We drive up to the venue, me in the backseat of one of the bridesmaid’s SUVs, and there is J at the FRONT DOOR! So, I’m ducking down trying not to be seen and they drive me over to a back door entrance, where I needed to go in anyway. Nerves really have a hold of me now, especially with all the hiding and having seen my very handsome hubby-to-be. I just want to get down that dang aisle already!!!
We did some of the photos before the wedding, with my bridesmaids and such, and then it’s time for the ceremony to start.
Once again I have to hide in a back room as J is coming to the door to walk out. I am shaking. And I keep trying to peek. Just to get another glimpse of him. But I’m not allowed, because then he might see me. And that we couldn’t have. The music starts, the parents and my Grannie are seated, our Pastor and J walk out, and now the wedding processional starts. Christina Perri’s, A Thousand Years is playing, my stepdad is by my side and my heart is racing. I can’t hear the words…did our part already play? Should we be walking now?? Stepdad says we should just go, so we step into the doorway. Everyone turns around. I hate being in the spotlight, but my eyes find J’s and that’s all I see. I keep them locked on him as we make our way down the aisle. There’s a swimming pool next door and the kids are all pressed against the fence to get a glimpse of the bride. It was very cute.
Now here’s something you may or may not know about me…I’m a HUGE crybaby. Like, everything makes me cry. Commercials make me cry. I have tissues in my hand, wrapped around my bouquet, because I’m sure that I’m going to cry every drop of my makeup off. But there are no tears. I’m smiling so big and so hard that it almost hurts, but that’s all I can do because my heart is so full of happiness and I can’t believe that in just a few minutes I get to be his wife!! My stepdad hands me over, I hand off my bouquet, and J takes both of my hands. He looks so happy. Maybe a little nervous too, but happy. My heart is soaring. The sun is beating down…it’s 5 o’clock in June, of course…and then there is nice cloud cover and a bit of wind to give relief from the heat.
Our Pastor did a great job, even with a few microphone issues. Time for the vows. It was all such a
blur, repeat after him, etc. I have no idea what we said. That’s bad, right? Ha! But 25 minutes later, we said “I do” and I became a Mrs. And then he got to kiss his bride. And did he ever!!
We made our way back down the aisle as Mr. and Mrs., hugs and smiles from family and friends. And then pictures of course.
All J wanted was a beer, bless his heart, but alas he had to wait until we finished with the pictures. And then we were done. Back inside for our first dance – Ed Sheeran’s, Thinking Out Loud.
Who knew it was such a long song?? Haha.
Then J finally got his beer. And it was time to eat! Barbecue, of course! And my girls had a drink waiting for me at our table, too.
From there it was a whirlwind, trying to talk to everyone, the father-daughter and mother-son dances, toasts, cake-cutting, more pictures. Oh, and when Bestie did her toast – I cried. A lot. Whew! I had no idea how daunting it would be to be the bride and groom. And then I couldn’t find the groom half the night!! All-in-all it was an amazing day and night and we were surrounded by so many people that love us and wanted to be there to share in our special day.
Despite the little “mishaps” there was nothing that was going to take away the joy or ruin our day. It was absolutely perfect and beautiful and amazing. Because I got to marry my best friend. At almost 35 years old, I finally got my fairy tale, and on that day I truly felt like a princess. And every morning when I wake up, I still look over and think how lucky I am to have him as my prince.
Thanks for sharing, Jaideeeee
Beautiful! I love you Jaida! I'm so glad I was able to be a part of your big day! You always have been an amazing friend! Wish we lived closer! It was so nice to see those precious moments with your Prince Charming!
Love this! I especially love the kids watching through the fence. How cute was that?! I wish you and J a long, happy life together.