As usual, it’s been a whirlwind the past couple of weeks. Tater girl is still growing and moving like crazy, and I believe that as the third trimester is quickly approaching, my days of easy comfort are starting to dwindle. I’m definitely starting to feel more discomfort in everyday things like, you know, sitting up straight. Yeah. The belly sitting on my legs seems to push things into my ribs, which is not the most comfortable, so I try to sit at least a little bit leaned back to offset it. That and bending over. Ugh. Granted, these things are trivial and minimally inconvenient, and I know this. But I also know that the bigger my belly gets, the harder these trivial things will become. I’m trying to mentally prepare.
I’m not sure there’s any way I really can, though.
In other attempts for preparation, I went to a baby prep event this past weekend with some other pregnant ladies from a Facebook group I’m part of. J had to work, and he and I are taking other classes together at the hospital, so I figured I may as well. It was called Baby University, and it briefly touched on various baby-related subjects…swaddling, birth plans, breastfeeding, etc. And they were doing a raffle for lots of good stuff! I did not come out of that raffle with anything I could actually use, but I was happy to gift my membership to a baby wearing club to another girl in the group. Nothing wrong with baby wearing, at all, and I will gladly carry by baby girl in one of those backpack-type carriers, but the wraps and such are just not for this mama.
We haven’t made any more progress on the nursery, but at this point, other than clearing it out, cleaning, and setting up the crib, there isn’t much we can do until after my baby showers. Her crib is set up, so really I just need to get in there and get the last few items that don’t belong out and then do a really good, deep cleaning of the carpet, baseboards, window sill…you know, nesting kinda stuff.
Meanwhile, I have decided that come what may, I have to get our office/guest room and kitchen cabinets done this upcoming weekend, since I have a long weekend. You see, when I cleared out the nursery, most of that stuff was just relocated to the office/guest room. So, I still have to sort through it, throw away, etc. And, because that room is over-run, my photography area was also displaced. Which means I haven’t been able to take any photos of our food in a couple of weeks. Oops. And the kitchen cabinets…ay yi yi. I need to basically put everything out of all of them, donate what we don’t use to Goodwill, and then re-assemble the cabinets in a more user friendly way. Meaning put the stuff I need to access most where I can easily get to it, and not have to be bending over, or worse-yet sitting on the floor to find stuff. Plus J hates the cabinet location I have tupperware in – which was the main push to reorganize the cabinets, anyway. Ha!
So, either Saturday or Monday, those are on my to-do list! Must. Get. Stuff. Done.
I look at my calendar and I can’t help but panic a little inside. In June, I have something going on every.single.Saturday. July is about half right now. I’m not complaining, but it just makes me anxious and I wonder when I’ll actually have time to get the things done at home that I want/need to. WHEN?! Yes, there are 6 other days in every week, but during the work week, when I get home, I do good to get dinner made and get my booty showered and in bed by 11 o’clock. So, adding in more “work” just isn’t happening. And I feel like once I reach the third trimester (which is in a week and a half, btw), I will be even less willing to do more than is absolutely necessary in a single day. Weekends, when I can find/make the time are for baby preparations. It’s just hard between baby showers (for me and others), family birthdays, graduations, time with my Little, and time at home. Hard, but doable. And I know that once our little girl is here, those struggles with time-management don’t get any easier. All I can hope for now is that I can get myself together enough to get all the necessary stuff done before baby gets here, without losing my mind. I should note that J is always super helpful, but he’s busy and gone a lot from home as well, which also makes making time to spend together difficult, and we’re trying to get “us” time in while we can. A few months from now, that will be a thing of the past, for awhile at least!
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