Do you ever have those days, those moments, when everything just…changes? Not an event or some happening that causes a change, but just a change in your head; in your heart? Like you just realize that you want to do things differently. Live your life differently. Do more to help other people, to make a difference in the world. Well, this past week I had one of those moments. I’d like to think that I was already the kind of person that tries my best to help others, to do things for others, to make their lives better or easier somehow, but this was a different kind of moment and I know I can do more.
I can’t really explain how or why it happened, but I just realized that no matter how good my life may be or how happy I am, or appear to be, I can always do more – be better. I think so many times we become complacent in our lives and just go about our everyday routines without thinking much of it. We just do what we do – what we have to do – to survive and make it through one more day. But I feel like we – like I am meant for more. Life is not supposed to be about making ourselves happy, rich, famous, etc. We’re put on this Earth to fulfill a higher purpose, and it’s become exceedingly important for me to figure out what exactly that purpose is. What God has planned for me, and how I’m supposed to carry out His will. Do I have it figured out? Not at all. But I know that it’s something I want to do.
As our wedding day approaches (we’re under the 4 month mark now!), I know that the foundation of our marriage has to be more Christ-centered in order for us to honor each other, our marriage and future family, and our Creator. J and I are both Christians and our faith is important to us. We do our best to live our daily lives as we should, but let’s be honest…none of us are perfect and we have a lot to work on and to learn. We’re taking steps to be more intentional in our relationship, in our faith, and in our desire to help others. We’re going to a marriage conference next weekend, we’re exploring a new church that we feel better fits our needs and our ability to get involved, connect with others, and to make a difference. These are things that are important to us, and that by doing together, will also bring us closer as a couple.
I’m very much looking forward to this new adventure, discovering my purpose, and all the learning and spiritual growth that will be involved.
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