This weekend was pretty awesome. I’m not a big Valentine’s Day person, but spending the weekend with J at a marriage conference seemed like a pretty good way to celebrate our love, don’tcha think??
I’ve never been one that thought anything pre-marital counseling related was important, because if you know you’ve found the one, making it work should be common sense, right? But going to the conference seemed like a good idea and the information we got from it turned out to be very inspiring. Investing in your marriage, as they called it, is indeed a very good idea. Not that you can’t work hard and have a happy and successful marriage without going to such conferences, but hearing the insight from couples who have been married 30 years+ and the mistakes they’ve made and what they learned from it, and how keeping Christ at the center can make the journey just a little easier, is very inspiring and will hopefully help J and I make less mistakes than we would have without this information.
On a related note, the conference was called the XO Marriage Conference, and J got me a Valentine’s card that had XO on the front. I thought that was pretty cute 🙂 I know I gush a lot about him, but really I feel very fortunate to have found a man as perfect for me as he is. Neither one of us are perfect people, by any means, but the good Lord has blessed us beyond measure with the love that we share.
They had a mass vow renewal at the conference, and while we aren’t married just yet, we participated in part of the recital of the vows and I have to say…it made me a little teary eyed. 3 months and 3 weeks from today we will say those vows “for real” and my life and my last name will be forever changed. I can’t wait for that day to come!!
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