2nd Quarter. Also known as April, May, and June. Because it’s been that long since I’ve written a musing. Because, life.
Crazy, wonderful, chaotic, joyful life. More chaos than not the past three months, but the majority of that has now passed, summer is here, and regular life can resume.
So, what has happened since March? Let’s see. There was Easter. Nat has mixed emotions about that. She loves to hunt for Easter eggs and see the Easter Bunny from afar, but on his lap?? Not a chance. They had one of her teachers dress up at her daycare and let’s just say she was less than happy in the pictures. But let her hunt eggs and eat candy, and she’s happy as can be!

May was just insanity for me at work, getting ready for our annual conference. We got an above-ground pool and set that up – what a pain!! I’ve never been one that wanted a pool, because of the upkeep mostly – but that’s J’s area and it has been nice to go get in on the weekends. Also, being able to swim at home means not having to go somewhere else to do it – ha!
J and I are both EXTRA cautious about all things water and our little one. Even though she is never outside without us, we still take the ladder out of the pool and put it away so there is no way she could ever get in (the pool is in the middle of the yard.) I’m not overly scared about many things, but water and potential drowning situations are just something I don’t mess around with. No one takes her in the water but J or me.
She’s very cute in her puddle jumper, and has become quite the little swimmer over the past couple of weeks. Which is a vast improvement from the clinging for dear life to J or I if we were in water where she couldn’t touch. That all changed in June. When we were in Galveston where I had my work conference.

I have to be there for a full week, but this year, J and Nat came down towards the end of the week, and we all stayed through the weekend. They had a couple of days to play while I was working, and then we spent Friday & Saturday at the waterpark the hotel had and the aquarium and rain forest pyramids. Nat had a great time, and finally got brave in the water while we were floating in the lazy river at the water park. She would swim back and forth between J and I and squeal and laugh.
Thankfully that continued once we got home and in our pool and it’s made the summer a lot of fun so far. We are currently trying to plan out some more late summer trips (Nat’s birthday, camping, the beach, a trip to Colorado) so I’m looking forward to that. Planning is half the fun for me!
So, I’ll have plenty to talk about come August/September!! 3rd Quarter update, perhaps? Until then…keep an eye out for some amazing events I am participating in in July. First will be #SummerDessertWeek, then #BlueberryWeek!! So many yummy recipes!!
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