This weekend was the perfect example of Texas weather. Thursday was sunny and near-80 degrees, Friday and Saturday were cold and rainy. Miserably so. Then Sunday, starts of a bit dreary but then the sun comes out and it turns out to be a beautiful day. What the hell? Don’t get me wrong, I got a LOT of cleaning and all my laundry done on Saturday. In fact, I never left my apartment after I got home from work on Friday. It was actually kind of nice. But, it would have been nicer if the sun would have been shining through my windows. At least I had that on Sunday, so I should be thankful 🙂
I’ve had these pork chops on the food calendar for several weeks now, and for one reason or another they kept getting put off. Sunday, despite my oven deciding to catch on fire – don’t ask – I finally got them made. And I remember how much I really enjoyed them the other times I’ve made them. I’m not much of a stuffing fan, but I do like boxed stuffing. Don’t judge. And the first time I made these green beans I was shocked at how easy and how delicious they were! This is probably one of the easiest meals I’ve made in awhile…and that’s saying something since most of my stuff is fairly quick and easy. 35 minutes, and most of that is hands-off. Throw in a pan and stick it in the oven. Make it. Soon.
Stuffing-Topped Pork Chops with Green Beans
Source: Kraft
1 pkg Chicken stuffing mix
3 Tbsp Miracle Whip
3 Tbsp Dijon mustard
6 bone-in pork chops
3 cups frozen green beans
2 Tbsp Zesty Italian Dressing
Preheat oven to 425°F and prepare stuffing according to directions on package. Mix miracle whip and mustard and set aside.
Brush pork chops on both sides with mustard mixture and place in a 9×13 baking dish. Spoon stuffing onto each chop, cover with foil, and bake for 10 minutes.
In the meantime, place green beans on large sheet of foil and drizzle with Italian dressing. Seal foil sides together.
Pull chops from the oven, remove foil cover and return to the oven along with the foil bean packet. Bake for 20 minutes, until no pink remains in the chops and beans are heated through.
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