34 months. Closer to three than to 2 1/2. HOW?!?
The days are long but the years are short. I’ve heard this saying more times than I can count. And until recently, the only part I could consciously relate to was the ‘days are long’ part. Because, todder life is hard. So very hard. This mama is just flat exhausted most of the time. But recently, more so than ever before, I hear my baby girl talk, sing, and watch her be so silly and realize that she is growing up. So. Fast.
She talks so much and so well, and she is just too stinkin’ smart for her own good. And I am just amazed. Utterly amazed. Watching her grow and learn and become a little more independent has its pros and cons. It’s exciting to see her conquer fears and learn new skills. But it’s sad to see those last few baby things end. Even ones I didn’t think I’d be sad to see go. Like diapers. I mean, I don’t miss changing diapers, because…yuck…but it really is one of the last of her baby things.
Next we have to tackle and disperse with the paci. Yes, she still has a paci. Yes, she’s almost three. Yes, I know it’s time. But we are potty training right now (pretty much have that one conquered) and once we are 100% through that – then we tackle the paci fight. Because let me tell y’all – this is going to be the break-up that kills us all. When we stopped nursing, I thought she’d lose her mind, because girl loved the boobs – but I just didn’t do it one night, and she couldn’t have cared less. And we never did it again. And she didn’t care. Bottles – which she only had at daycare – stopped, and she never seemed to notice. But the paci, friends…that is her thang. We’ve definitley cut down – she stopped having one at daycare 6+ months ago. We took them out of our vehicles. She only has one in the house, and we try to limit to bed time, but if she sees it or if she’s upset, or…sometimes just because…she will whine us to death until we give it to her.
We don’t let her leave the house with it and we tell her that pacis are for babies, and she’s a big girl. She seems to understand it, in theory. But in practice, she just can’t let it go.
I’ll be honest. Until a couple of months ago, I wasn’t ready to take it from her. It’s going to devastate her. But I’m ready now. It’s time. And by her third birthday, in 2 short months, come hell or high water, the paci is gone. I’m sure we’ll all hate life for awhile, but she’ll find a new comfort item, right?? She has a blankie and 5 million stuffies – but she’s yet to gravitate to one or really care about them at all very much. But she does like her “special blankie”, so maybe that will be the new thing.
She’s also still in her crib, and while I thought maybe we’d transition her out when she was 3, I am now thinking that if she’s content in there, and she still fits, I am in NO hurry to start fighting the “stay in your bed and go to sleep” battle. Nope, nope. So, if not in August, perhaps we’ll tackle that monster in December. Change to the toddler bed and let her pick out her own big girl bedding. Ugh. Every time I say, type, or think big girl, I cringe just a little.
My precious, sassy, smart, defiant, strong-willed little love is growing up. Like it or not, mama, she certainly is. What lies ahead will most certainly not always be easy. It won’t always be fun. But it will most definitely be worth it to see her grow into the amazing person she is going to be. That strong will tells me that she has a mind of her own. And that is so important to me, as a woman and as her mother. I want to raise my daughter to be a strong, independent woman, to know her worth and to never, ever be a doormat and allow people to mistreat her or make her doubt her self-worth. I want her to know who she is, what she wants, and to never, ever settle for less than she deserves. To work hard, to be kind and to help others when she can. To never, EVER be a bully, and to stand up for those who are bullied. I want her to always know how strong, loved, and worthy of respect she is.
That is what I want for my baby girl, who is quickly growing up before my eyes.
Lisa Sherman
Awe, this was SO touching! Love Miss Natalie Grace
Aunt Lisa
Thanks! I may have cried while writing it. And again when reading it. A few times. Ha! Love my sweet girl!!