Sunday, my baby girl turned 2 years old. She is officially no longer a baby. Officially a toddler/little girl. And I couldn’t be prouder of my little sassy pants.
While she definitely has her moments – terrible 2’s, tantrums, defiance, and asserting her independence – she is truly the sweetest, smartest little girl. It amazes me sometimes, the things she says, and I have NO idea where she heard or learned them. Overhearing us? Daycare? Just a genius?? Sometimes I wonder if I am just a first time mom and not really sure what level of understanding a 2 year old should have, but it seems to me that she is advanced for her age. Not that I think I have child prodigy or anything like that, but my girl is so super observant and she really retains what she sees and hears. Like, I said, she really amazes me!
We had her birthday party on Saturday. It was Minnie Mouse themed, and other than it just being so damn hot outside (hello, late August in Texas), I think it went very well and everyone had a good time.
It was windy at the start, which was a blessing and a curse. I mean, anything holding off the heat was welcome, but it was blowing my clever and adorable food name tents all over the place, so I had to lay them down – hence why you can’t easily read them in the pics. Also, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off and just plain didn’t have time to take individual photos of all the cuteness. Such is life!!
I started looking at pictures I’d taken the day of and after the party and it was like BOOM! Overnight…she turned 2 and she looks like a little kid now. I know I said earlier that she’s officially no longer a baby. By my gosh. How does she look so grown up, literally overnight?!?! Slow down, baby girl!! This picture came from daycare – just look at that big girl.
All the Facebook memories showing my teeny tiny baby girl in the hospital and first days home are killing me. The days are long, but the years are short – a phrase that is ringing so true for me right now. Some days I just barely make it through, my patience being tested and maxed out – but then I turn around and my baby is…not a baby anymore. So, my sweet, precious girl – I will try my very best to remember that in the moments that you are testing your boundaries, testing the limits, and smiling at me with that little scrunchy nose that melts your daddy and me, despite any frustration we may be feeling. We love you more than life, and hope that you never lose that smile or the light in your eyes, because it is truly mood-altering, for all that encounter you.
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