Holy crap, you guys. My baby is 18 months old. A year and a half. HOW?!? My baby is a toddler. A strong-willed, sassy toddler. With tiny feet and hair that’s starting to curl. I just can’t even. And the talking. She talks SO well for her age. We aren’t in full-sentence mode, but she is starting to say phrases (2 words, sometimes 3), and even her one-word statements are so clear, and really just the cutest thing ever. Purple, Yellow, and Turtle are probably my fav (re: cutest) so far. Well, and Mama/Mommy (MOM-ee), of course.
Look at those tiny feet!! Really, that particular pair of shoes makes them look especially tiny. I think they’re normal size. Hold onto that while you can, little bit – with mama and daddy’s feet in your genetics, the little feet stage won’t last forever. Sorry ’bout your luck, kid.
Since my last post, Natalie saw her first snow. She liked it for a minute. But…Texas girl, summer baby, loves the water and being outside = not the biggest fan of wet, cold snow. But I had to get a pic and it was adorable.
She also started a new daycare in January, due to my new job and the timing and logistics not working with the location of her old daycare. I was nervous, but is has been going SO well! She loves it there, loves her teachers, has a little boyfriend/bff that J and I adore – really, he’s the sweetest and I wish they could just get married right now. Sadly, he’s moving in August and we are just heartbroken that they’ll be separated. Because, you know, they were going to remain bff’s and get married some day. Because it works like that.
They take pics of her every day, and videos every so often as well. We LOVE that. Oh, and the pictures of her and the BFF – are the most adorable thing EVER. She’s just so happy there. Will she smile when mama gets out the camera – NEWP. But at daycare, if they don’t get to her fast enough, she pouts. My little diva.
Sassy ‘n’ sweet…that’s our girl!
Oh, and watching her as she grows and eats more independently…also precious. Just look at my little girl eating a burger by herself. Not cut into pieces (just in half.)
And finally. My baby girl has reached the point of loving baby dolls. Bay-Bee! as she calls them.
(Notice here how she won’t smile for Mama to take a picture. Little toot.)
I just stare at her, most days, in disbelief at how quickly she is growing up. I’m in awe of how smart she is, how observant, and how quickly she catches on to things – yet she will only do things in her own time. We’ve never rushed her to meet “milestones”, and she’s never done anything super early (crawling, walking), but she was verbal early on, and Lord help us all when she figures out how to really talk. For now we revel in the cuteness; the sweetness. Because terrible 2’s are upon us and boy-oh-boy is it going to be a fun few years dealing with all that comes with toddlerhood, with our little sassypants.
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