You guys. My baby girl turned 1. She’s graduated to the “toddler” stage (though not walking just yet) and I just can’t even. Her party was scheduled to be ON her birthday, but Hurricane Harvey had other plans. The weather was too bad and we didn’t want people driving in it, so we decided to reschedule the party for a couple of weeks later. I still made her a little cake and we opened presents at home on her actual birthday. For her party, we went with a Bubble Guppies theme because little miss loooves her some Bubble Guppies. More specifically the songs, especially the “Outside!” song. Have I mentioned that she inherited her mama’s love to dance? It’s the cutest.
Over that birthday weekend, she started really mastering standing up on her own, without holding on to anything. She’s been walking while holding onto furniture for a little while now, but wasn’t quite to the point of attempting any unassisted steps yet. Which was juuuust fine with me! She crawls like crazy, still pulls up on everything, including mama’s legs while I’m cooking dinner. I do look forward to the day she’s big enough to “help” in the kitchen. For now she just squeals to be picked up when she knows there is food on the counter because…piggy.
She’s a happy, healthy little girl – at her one year appointment she was 19 lbs 12 oz and 28 inches long. Over 12 lbs and 7 inches she’s grown since birth! She loves her puppies, and her favorite toy as of late is a stuffed monkey J bought her for Christmas. She’s never cared much about stuffed animals, but one day she just reached for it, and now we will ask her where it is and she will race across the room, squeal, and lay on or “kiss” it. It’s adorable and my heart just about explodes every time.
She is saying mama, dada, duck, and some version of dog. And, while her words are not decipherable most of the time, she is definitely having conversations with us. Baby babble really is adorable. Especially hers. Not that I’m biased or anything. She’s also starting to love books more and more, and will sit still for more than a couple of pages of a story now. She has her own little chair in the living room and in her room, so we encourage her to sit in them with a book. That hasn’t quite taken just yet, but we’ll keep trying. I’ll make a little reader out of her, yet!
Fast forward a few short weeks from her birthday (this week, actually) and now we are starting to take steps. She went from taking 1 or 2 before falling, to 4, 8, 13…OMG. It’s adorable and exciting and terrifying, all at the same time. She gets so excited, squeals, and gets right back up to try again when she falls down. It’s exciting to watch her try, and succeed, but also so terrifying for mama to think of this little baby of mine being completely mobile. I mean, crawling is mobile, and that was a game changer, but walking…that’s a whole ‘nutha ball game right there.
Someone send wine.
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